What sets Drift apart?


Concentrate Refills

Eliminate single use plastic

It’s time to phase out single use plastics. Drift bottles are high quality glass and are easy to refill. We need to make a conscious effort to reduce our plastic consumption. Cleaning products are an easy place to start. Refill your bottle at a refill station if you are in close proximity or purchase concentrates. If one of your bottles or sprayers ever break contact me and I'll get you a free replacement!

EWG verfified

EWG verified

Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, non-partisan third party verifier that seeks to empower the public in making informed choices on thousands of products on the market. Focusing on the health of consumers and our planet EWG has an incredible database of knowledge. Drift’s Multitasker is proudly EWG verified. You can trust Drift products for their efficacy and purity.


Drift essential oils and hydrosols

At Drift we are committed to NEVER EVER using synthetic fragrances in our products. We steam distill our own Lavindin and Mints to ensure the highest quality oils and hydrosols. We then carefully bottle and preserve these for use in the Grimebusta and Multitasker. Every step of the way we are working to produce very high quality and localized products.